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A complementary analysis of path tracking of single zebrafish larvae is possible to be performed by using WMicrotracker ONE. This analysis is based on the assumption that a single fish moves and sequentially interrupts different infrared microbeams, with movement detected as the continuous tracking of microbeam interruption positions.

To perform the analysis, place individual fish larvae into a 6-well plate.

Perform the acquisition normally by selecting the appropriate algorithm (Zebrafish). After completing the acquisition, switch to offline mode analysis and recall the saved experiment.

You will find a tracking button at the bottom left to select the analysis mode. By clicking this button, the screen will display the plate. Clicking it again will start to show the fish’s path and the calculated travel distance.

To export the information, right-click on the plot and choose to export it to a .csv file or a .bmp file.

Additionally, the software allows you to export all .bmp frames. A .bmp folder will be created inside the acquisition folder, containing all frames. To build a video, use ImageJ software and import the images as a sequence.