Hardware specifications What is the beam size relative to the worms?The LED infrared microbeams have a...
Hardware specifications What is the beam size relative to the worms?The LED infrared microbeams have a...
Specifications How does it works? WMicrotracker ARENA technology is based on detection of worm movement through infrared light scattering,...
What are the computer requirements for using the WMicrotracker SMART? To use the WMicrotracker SMART, you...
The report file presents quantification results organized into user-defined time-blocks. Initially, it displays the average...
The WMicrotracker SMART system reliably detects and records movement. Experiment report files are easily...
The rotation index is a mathematical calculation that assesses how the overall shape of the...
SMART equipment functions using a private wireless network. The PC and the device need to...
About Installation Folder, Projects, and Acquisition Folders: To download the Software Installation .zip folder, go to...
A Z-stack is a merging of images in the Z-dimension, a common tool for confocal...
To generate a consolidated report from multiple acquisitions within the same project, follow these steps: Select the desired...