Latest version including new functionalities, some of them still in testing stage
Dual mode imaging system with particle tracking [p35] with 8x Carousel
WMicrotracker SMARTx8 Software V2.12
Latest beta version SMARTx8 V2.2
Data Acquisition Software (31/05/2024).
Acquisition Data Examples
Two examples of data acquisition, using tracking mode or microbeam mode.
NOTE: uncompress the data into installation folder
*96channels low-cost system
WMicrotracker MINI Software V1.4 API
Latest version including new functionalities, some of them still in testing stage
Discontinued versions:
Dual mode imaging system with particle tracking [p35]
WMicrotracker SMARTx1 Software V2.12
WMicrotracker SMARTx1 Software V2.4beta
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